Jeremy Zon

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Modern Husband

The role of a husband has been evolving since the end of the 1950’s. Politics, Feminism, social changes and role changes have been the main catalysts for what we see and know as the modern husband today. With that being said, the modern husband is continually evolving. Just when you think you know what a modern husband is or what we are supposed to it changes again.

What are some of the changes you have seen? Are these changes good or bad? One of the changes I have seen that I am in favor of is seeing more men involved with their daughters. There has been a movement of Girl Dads that has been awesome! Dads have been embracing the role of nurturer which is usually the role of moms. It is both refreshing and fun to see dads adding their own twist to how they are helping their daughters from day to day with all the things they need from getting ready each day to playing sports and doing chores. This is definitely a positive change of the modern husband.

Another change I have noticed is men seeing their spouses more as partners rather than servants, property or objects. That old mentality was and is a huge detriment to both women and the institution of marriage. No marriage is evert successful unless both parties are happy and prospering. With the rise of women being treated more equally, I am seeing their happiness increase within their relationships. This is the goal we should be continuously striving for within every marriage.

Unfortunately, there are still some old school marriages that still exist due to observance of old traditions. Sadly, there are still women being oppressed and held under the thumb of their husbands, who see and treat their spouses as less than equal to them. How this is still happening in this day and age is beyond me, but it needs to end. Men need to be men and understand that both partners have an equal part in the relationship and in the marriage. You can divide it up however you want, there are no set roles or rules to how your relationship or family has to work. As long as it works and your spouse is happy.

Our world is forever changing. With that being sad, it does not mean we have to always change to keep up with what everyone else is doing, but we need to change enough to make it right within our relationship. If you are not happy who says your spouse is happy? Change can be good. The outdated husband should be a thing of the past and the modern husband in some form should be embraced. Find the modern husband within yourself, and lets see what greatness you bring to your marriage.