Childhood Trauma
Where do I begin? many of us have been affected by some form of childhood trauma. It doesn’t matter if it’s physical or mental, trauma has affected many of us. They question is, what have you done to deal with and over come it? There are some that are able to cope naturally and move on. I would say I am in that category. Some have had to seek professional help to overcome their trauma. While there are others that self medicate with drugs and alcohol to numb their thoughts and feelings. I am sure many of you can understand or even relate, but unfortunately this is the least helpful and possibly damaging way to cope.
How do we work toward preventing childhood trauma from happening? The shift has begun with Gen-X becoming parents. This generation had the most diverse and free range parenting than any other generation previous to them. With that, they expereinced many things they wanted to change with their children. Did it work, or did we just create a new type of trauma for our children. We are the parents of the Millinials and Gen-Z. We all have heard the complaints about these generations. Who is to blame and what harm have we caused?
Stress, Anxiety, and Self Worth have been and always will be issues that each generation will deal with. The questions is, what is the best way to deal with it and what are the best coping mechanisms to over come them. We know that drugs and alcohol are nob the answer. Getting therapy always ha a stigma to it, and for many it’s not an option. How do we raise and nurture our children to have a trauma free life or better yet, find the best ways to cope when they are faced with those triggers.
What are you doing to currently overcome and cope with your traumas and triggers? Are you in a good place currently, or are you still working on it? Do you have a support system? If not, what kind of support system do you need? I ask this because each persons needs are different. You can only get the help you need, if you express to others what you need. None of us are mind readers, but we do want to help where we can.
Childhood trauma will probably never go away as long as there is evil in the world. But how we help people to overcome it can improve. First we can work hard to not be the cause of such trauma, and second, we can start caring a little more so we begin to reach out to those looking or help. Sometimes we just need to be the person that your loved ones can some to in the time of need. But you have to be a safe place for them to do so. Start nurturing your relationships with those close to you that you may be that safe place they can turn to. In doing so your love and strength will help them through the hard times they are having.
We all know someone going through tough times. Sometimes those tough times are due to triggers from their childhood. Be kind and patient when people are having a hard time over coming their issues. Maybe you might be the person that is needing love and patience extends did to you. Life is hard, lets not make it any harder for those around us. Let’s be the lighthouse on the hill, and the open arms to those needing a hug.