When the discussion of providing for your family comes up, what do you think of? I believe for most men our focus to provide leans toward making money. Sadly making money over rides everything else we do as fathers and husbands. Even though life revolves around making money to provide for the physical needs of the family, there is another need we tend to over look. Any guesses?
Quality time with our loved ones is one of the most neglected needs our family members need. Coincidentally, the quality time our families need is also something we need as well. We may not focus on time with our family as something that is essential to our happiness or the happiness of our family, but it ultimately what can make or break the success of the relationship you have with each of your family members.
We all know that quality time with our spouses is one of the most important elements for a successful marriage, but are we actually making time for our spouses? You always hear about having date nights with you spouse, and this is why. We have to make an effort to spend quality time with our spouses. it’s not something we can just wing, we have to make it a priority in our lives. It does not have to be extravagant every time you go out, you just have to find something to do together where you can spend time together making memories.
Like our spouses it is important that we spend quality time with our children. Our children can get lost in the hustle and bustle of work, the honey do list and trying to give our spouses quality time. Our children are a reflection if us, and if we do not give them the best of ourselves, they are not going to become the best versions of themselves because we did not give them the best of us. Our children are like sponges in the fact that they absorb everything they encounter and take pieces of each thing and person in their lives and mold themselves into the person they become.
What kind of memories do we want to give both out spouses and out children. Do we want them to only remember us always being gone to work, or do you want them to remember all the great times you spent with them making memories doing various activities? The time you spend with them is more valuable than anything money can buy. As important as work is to providing the worldly and physical things we need as a family, the time you spend with your family is even more important.
If you are not currently spending quality time with your family members, take a moment to work out a game plan of how you can effectively spend time with each of your family members and make connections that have eo desperately needed. Stay strong, have fun, and see what kind of difference you can make by doing the little things with your family.