What is the most valuable thing most of us can’t get enough of? TIME! There never seems to be enough time in a moment, working on a project, in a relationship and in any given day. So when are you suppose to find time for yourself? Self care and love is actually important for everyone, yet it’s one of the things we neglect the most.
One of the hardest things in our lives is finding time and money to do the things we want to do for ourselves, unless you are in a class of people that don’t have a problem with either one of those items. But for the rest of us, we need it, crave it and are always searching for it. Everyone, yes everyone needs quality time to themselves. Sometimes it’s just to think, sometimes it’s to vent, sometimes to cry and sometimes just for the fact that you don’t want to be responsible for anything for just a moment.
You hear the stories of people going to the bathroom, the pantry and sometimes their closets, just to have a moment to themselves, because heaven forbid you have a moment any other time to just be alone with your thoughts and feelings. I understand, I see you and I hear you. So how do we change this? There has got to be a better way to find that time for yourself. Any ideas?
Outside of being financially free to the point that you can do whatever you want, there are not too many options because there is alway someone or something that wants a piece of you. The only option you have is to schedule in the time for yourself. Yup, just like couples scheduling time to be intimate, you now have to schedule time to be free from everything else. I know it doesn’t sound ideal, but has anything else worked for you? Give it a chance.
Depending on how much time you want or need will determine how you schedule this time alone. So decide how much you need, and then look over your schedule, and see when you might be free during the day, week or month and start there. For some of you, you might have to sacrifice some of that beauty sleep to make it happen. Either you are going to bed later, or you are getting up earlier to make the time available for you. You have to decide what’s more important, your sleep or your sanity.
If sleep ultimately wins, you then have to figure out what part of your day is going to allow you to find the time you need. Take out work and school, those are not negotiable. What are you doing with the rest of your day? That period of time is when and where you find the time for you. Once you find your time, you need to decide how you are going to spend it. The beauty is now that you have the time, you can do whatever you want. Change what you are doing, or do the same thing every time, it does not matter. All that matters is that it’s your time to do what you want the way you want so you can have the time you need to find the peace you need to be happy.
Hopefully this helped you figure out how to find the time for you. If not, explore smoother options until you can find something that works for you. Good Luck, wishing you the best going forward to finding your time and happiness.