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Family History

Family History can be something that you are not very interested in or it can take you down a rabbit hole. I do have some curiosity about my family history, but at the same time I am not really wanting to put in the work at this time to really dig into it. I have browsed my family tree just trying to get an idea of where my ancestors are from and what my blood line is, but that has really been the extent of it for now.

I know that recently people have taken an interest in their family blood lines because it’s all the craze right now. People are looking into “23 and Me”, “DNA Heritage” along with checking out Ancestry.com to find out who they are related to. I have not taken any of these DNA tests, and really don’t care to. What’s it really going to tell me that is of any real signifiants? Does it actually change anything about your life? Now I know some people have found out that they had additional siblings because of it, and others have found out who their actual parents are, and yes those are significant finds. But outside of those scenarios what else are you paying all the money for?

There are a lot of free genealogy sites out there that can guide you to learning more about who you are and where you came from rather than doing a blood test. Did I mention they are free? You never know what stories you are going to find and read about that are going to excite you. You also never know who you might be related to from the past. From what I found, I don’t have anyone famous, but I do have a little bit of royalty in my family line.

Perhaps one of the reasons I am a little stoic about looking into my family history is because I have a grandfather that was adopted, which means we don’t have any record of his family or bloodline. It happens to be my grandfather whom we have our family name through. That means, it’s not actually my family bloodline name, but an adoptive name. I have no connection to the family whom I bare the name of, so I don’t feel any reason to look into that history. I actually don’t even care about carrying on the name because I feel it is meaningless. Now I know my father would say others wise but that’s it.

What are your thoughts about diving into a family tree that really isn’t your’s? What are your thoughts on participating in 23 and Me or any other DNA blood testing service? Do you have any interest in digging into your family tree to understand your heritage and where you came from? I know I will dig into my family tree a little more, but I am not there yet. Now that we have the internet, we are all able to find things a lot easier. Take a minute and check out sites like Ancestory.com and see where it takes you. You might be surprised.

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